Here you will find the overview of our factory. This factory was newly set up in 2012 and opened in July of 2013. This factory has 8 buildings, including five working houses, one dinning room, office and dormitory building with 35,000 quare meters. 

In this new factory, we have bought a lot auto and semi auto machines, including cutting wood, sanding, finishing, printing and engraving machines. That save some of the labors. 

At Extreme, any of our box is quality gurantteed. We could replace or refund right away for any rejected boxes once recieving your complaints. We would like to develop with every customer from worldwide.






Here is our production for cutting wood from raw material. We will cut the wood board into different pieces based on the box sizes. To select every quality wood piece is very important for every box. Precise cutting size is the basical job for a perfect box.





Here we will assemble the boxes different wood pieces into wood box frames. The glue we are using is food safe. Certificate is available. One neat, durable box is coming from this step.




Here is the sanding by hand. For finished boxes, we will have at least three times hand sanding to make the whole box much smoother.




Last one is our finishing procedure. We are dong this job in two area. One is our large work house and the last layers finishing in this much cleaner place to get good quality. Also there is drying room for both procedure. That will keep this job being done in any temperature. Total we have 1,500 squre meters for this working place.

Now we come to our packing line and the final before our warehouse.